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Chinese translation for "yalta system"


Related Translations:
yalta:  n.雅尔塔〔乌克兰港市〕。
yalta conference:  雅尔塔会议〔1945年斯大林,罗斯福,邱吉尔在雅尔塔举行的,讨论战后问题的会议〕。
yalta summit declaration:  雅尔塔首脑会议宣言
the yalta declaration:  雅尔塔宣言
Example Sentences:
1.The yalta system ' s impact on the postwar international relations
2.Re - recognition of the relations between the forming of yalta system and china
3.After the peaceful end of the cold war , the yalta system disintegrated . the world order comes into historical era of changes and reconstructions
4.After world war two , according to the arrangement and power comparison of great nations , the yalta system characterized by bipolarity was formed
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